Tag: update payment method
Update Supplier Payment Method
Hey all.. This is in continuation to my blog on “Create Payment Method API“. Let us take a look at how to update payment method using APIs. API => iby_disbursement_setup_pub.update_external_payee My requirement was to update the payment method for all the supplier sites that has payment method as “EFT” but no Bank Information. You may download…
Create Payment Method for Supplier in R12
You are going looking for the Payment Method and Payment Method changes in AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL Tables and you don’t find any. You are disappointed and frustrated. Well don’t you worry, I possibly have the cure for that. Payment Method for suppliers in R12 can be seen in the below tables: IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS We know…