Category: Oracle Apps
APP-FND-1564: ORACLE error 24347 in FDFGVD
After upgrading to 12.1.3, I have been getting the below error while submitting the Auto Invoice Master Program from AR Responsibility. APP-FND-1564: ORACLE error 24347 in FDFGVD Cause: FDFGVD failed due to ORA-24347: Warning of a NULL column in an aggregate function. SELECT BATCH_SOURCE_ID,NAME VALUE, DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION, NVL(‘N’, ‘N’), NVL(TO_NUMBER(NULL), -1), NULL, NVL(‘Y’, ‘Y’), NVL(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(NULL),…
Sorting the Time Card List in OTL
Recently I got a requirement to change the order in which the time cards are displayed in the Time Card list for the employees. The requirement was to show the latest time card on the top. We can achieve this using Self Service Personalization. Before we start make sure that the following profile options are…
I was trying to update a previously submitted time card using the OTL API (hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process). I was getting a very strange error as described below: ORA-20020: Pa_Otc_Api ::: ->Validate_Otc_Data->Validate_Process->DetermineProcessingFlags :: Only Ovn has changed. Update the orig_transaction_reference of the ei. : ORA-01403: no data found I searched a lot and did not find any help…
Useful Oracle Apps Queries
Below are a list of SQL Queries that will be useful during your day to day activities. 1. Concurrent Programs Assigned to a Request Group SELECT fcpv.concurrent_program_name SHORT_NAME ,fcpv.user_concurrent_program_name CONC_PROG_NAME ,frg.request_group_name REQ_GROUP_NAME FROM fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcpv ,fnd_request_groups frg ,fnd_request_group_units frgu WHERE fcpv.concurrent_program_id = frgu.request_unit_id AND fcpv.enabled_flag = ‘Y’ AND frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id AND frg.request_group_name = ‘&request_group_name’;…
XML Publisher Report from XML Data Template
How to develop a xml publisher report without using a rdf or sql or pl/sql concurrent program. We can do the same using xml data template as well. This blog explains a simple xml publisher report developed using the xml data template.