Category: Oracle Apps Development
GL Journal Import for Multiple Journal Sources
In my previous post on how to Submit GL Import from PL/SQL. The example given in that blog was for importing Journals pertaining to one particular Journal Source. What if you had multiple Journal Source like ‘Receivables‘,’Payables‘ etc? How will you submit the gl import and make sure that the journals pertaining to all the sources are…
Create Payment Method for Supplier in R12
You are going looking for the Payment Method and Payment Method changes in AP_SUPPLIERS and AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL Tables and you don’t find any. You are disappointed and frustrated. Well don’t you worry, I possibly have the cure for that. Payment Method for suppliers in R12 can be seen in the below tables: IBY_EXTERNAL_PAYEES_ALL IBY_EXT_PARTY_PMT_MTHDS We know…
UTL_MAIL to Send Email form PL/SQL
Let us see how we can utilize UTL_MAIL to send Email form PL/SQL. Using the UTL_MAIL package is pretty straight forward. Check the below example. As you can see there are 4 different entities that you need to consider. Sender’s Email Id Recipient’s Email Id – You may include one or more recipients. Subject of…
Submit GL Journal Import From PLSQL
GL Journal Import GL Journal Import is used to import journals from sub ledgers and external systems into Oracle GL. We can do it manually or programatically. This post describes how to call the GL Journal Import from plsql procedure. We will be looking at importing AR (Receivable) Journal Entries. Pre Requisite step is to…