Category: Maven
Maven Tutorials – Maven Build Profile
Previous – Chapter 5 Maven Tutorial – Chapter 6 What is Maven build profile? Maven Build Profile is nothing but subset of elements which allows to customize builds for particular environment. Profiles are also portable for different build environments. Build environment basically means a specific environment set for production and development instances. When developers work on…
Maven Tutorials – Maven Build Lifecycle
Previous – Chapter 4 Maven Tutorial – Chapter 5 What is Maven build lifecycle? The sequence of steps which is defined in order to execute the tasks and goals of any maven project is known as Maven build lifecycle. Maven 2.0 version is basically a build life cycle oriented and clearly says that these steps…
Maven Tutorials – Maven Repository
Previous – Chapter 3 Maven Tutorial – Chapter 4 What is Maven Repository? For maven to download the required artifacts of the build and dependencies (jar files) and other plugins which are configured as part of any project, there should be a common place where all such artifacts are placed. This common shared area is…
Maven Tutorials – POM in Maven
Previous – Chapter 2 Maven Tutorial – Chapter 3 What is POM? The easiest way to describe a POM in a maven project is, it is nothing but the core element of any maven project. Basically any maven project consists of one configurable file called pom.xml, which stands for the abbreviation “Project Object Model”. This…
Maven Tutorial – Setting up the Maven Environment
Previous – Chapter 1 Maven Tutorial – Chapter 2 Maven is one of the handy tool which can be set up quickly and can be made it ready for any java projects within a max of 10 minutes. Also, the maven downloadable package is also very light weight. Follow the below mentioned steps in order…